FPS: From Beginning to Now

With over 60 years of combined experience and expertise in fuel additive formulation and fuel marketing, Fuel Performance Solutions (FPS) presents proven methods to successfully deal with today’s high energy costs.
The cornerstone of FPS additive success is our effective program for winter fuel performance based on excellent additive chemistry, fuel selection, and testing to ensure great performance in the harshest of conditions.
The inadequate protection of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (lack of lubricity and stability) and the on-going need for improved cold weather performance requires transportation professionals to take additional steps to protect their fleets. FPS provides this needed protection. We also understand the desire of transportation owners and managers to operate more efficiently and lower total costs.
Our customers range from national and private truck fleets to municipalities and fuel distributors. We understand this business because we live it every day of the year. We can help you select products and implement a true fuel performance program, providing you with exceptional savings not only in acquisition cost but fuel economy as well.
Experience the science of additive technology.